Please read the entire page below for the terms of this giveaway, how to substantially increase your chances of winning, and how to claim your free gifts (including a free knife and free duffel bag)...
You are now subscribed to our I Love Grilling Meat email newsletter and will receive giveaway winner announcements, recipes, free products, and more.
Must be 18+ years of age residing in the United States, Canada, or Australia
Winners are drawn at random.
Prizes include:
1 FREE t-shirt (a $29.90 value) to 1 lucky winner.
1 FREE 12 month membership to our VIP T-Shirt of the Month Club (a $358.80 value).
In order for us to legally (without spamming you) contact you via email to notify you that you've won, you must be an active I Love Grilling Meat email newsletter subscriber, so DO NOT UNSUBSCRIBE from our newsletter.
Open our emails regularly or you will be "scrubbed" (manually unsubscribed) from our newsletter. Email service providers like Gmail, Yahoo, etc... penalize us for sending emails to people who don't regularly open them. Therefore we must continually "scrub" (manually unsubscribe) people who do not open our emails.
Do those 2 things and you'll increase your chances of winning substantially.
We're assuming you're similar to our 30,000+ customers that love, or at least "kinda like" our BBQ t-shirts, accessories, and other outdoor items otherwise you wouldn't be here. Therefore we're making it easy on you by offering you a massive discount on our products as well as some free gifts from our partners below...
Use discount code: TGIVE30
And get 30% off your entire order on our shop here today. Click here to shop some of our most popular BBQ t-shirts, aprons, hoodies, mugs, and more! And be sure to use that discount code today because it's a 1-time only offer.
Because we are the largest supplier of BBQ apparel online, we are able to negotiate exclusive offers for you with some of the best companies in the grilling, barbecue, camping, survival, and outdoor industry.
Below you'll find a few exclusive offers from our friends over at American Gunner...
Click here to claim your FREE EDC rescue knife, just cover the small S&H and they'll ship it out from their warehouse in Colorado shortly.
Click here to claim your FREE Unbreakable Duffel Bag, just cover the small S&H and they'll ship it out from their warehouse in Colorado shortly.